Launch and Go!!

Endeavor space shuttle take off

Let’s Discover IT website has now officially launched and is ready to go out into the world!

We’ve had great support and help from a number of ‘road testers’ and users and we are building up a community together! Thank you!

It’s fun to see Let’s Discover IT grow and become a resource for users from all walks of life.

We’ve been able to respond to a number of suggestions and have put up some amazing pages to increase wellbeing with exercise! The exercise videos from yes2next and Mr Motivator are a great way to increase wellbeing through exercise – whether on your own or with a group of friends.

And we’ve added a page for learning British Sign Language too! This page has a number of easy instructional videos from Commanding Hands for you to learn the basics. More videos to be added soon!

Other suggestions and website recommendations from users also revolve around wellbeing, for example healthy, easy recipes and arts and crafts ideas. We will be preparing new pages for Let’s Discover IT with these topics in the next few days too.

What would you like to see as a new topic on Let’s Discover IT? Do you have a hobby or interest that you would like to share with us? What types of activities help to increase your wellbeing?

We hear the word wellbeing a lot these days – but what does it really mean? Some dictionaries mention comfort, happiness and health when attempting to define wellbeing. But wellbeing it’s always easy to define as it may mean different things to different people.

Whether or not we can actually define wellbeing, we can improve our wellbeing by considering these five simple ways:

  • Connect – talk and listen to others and always live in the moment.
  • Be active – do what you can and enjoy what you do.
  • Take notice – remember the simple things that give you joy.
  • Keep learning – embrace new experiences and seek new opportunities.
  • Give – give people your time, your words and your presence.

Tell us what you have been doing to connect, be active and take notice. Have you had a chance to learn something new or give recently?

Let’s say ‘yes’ to new opportunities and new ideas and Let’s Discover IT together.

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