Plugins to Plug In

hand putting electric plug into socket
plugs in back of computer

Let’s Discover IT has a new section for you to explore!

But what to call this new section?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the processes involved in developing Let’s Discover IT and the amazing tools and techniques readily available that make what is already a marvelous thing (a website!!) even better.

One incredible tool is a piece of software, called a ‘plugin’, which is added to a website to extend it’s function and create a better quality experience for the user. There are thousands of these small plugins to choose from and they can make a big difference in the life of a website.

In the same way, this new section will provide lots of ideas and activities for you to ‘plug in’ to  – and hopefully make a big difference in your life too!

We are starting with Love Food Hate Waste  – 12 Food Hacks (top tips) to help  save money, eat well and love our planet too.  Lots more from Love Food Hate Waste to come!

Special thanks to Housing 21 managers Zoey, Nikki and Laura for this great first topic idea and for being Love Food Hate Waste ambassadors.

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